Weeds Are My Worst Lawn Nightmare

And…I’m sure I’m not alone in the fight to eradicate those nasty unwanted plants. Yes, you can use a lawn service, or you can be stubborn and devote a little (or a lot, depending on the size of your lawn) time to test tried and true solutions of homemade weed and some grass, killer.

Okay, I admit working in the yard is something I do enjoy. Most of the time.
Sometimes, you simply have to try new solutions for those nasty weeds that want to smother your grass, not to mention drive you nuts. Who has time to spend on lawn weeds when you could be lolling on the beach?

I’d read several internet articles for vinegar uses. Apparently, vinegar is a miracle liquid. I use vinegar as many uses in the home, cleaning, windows, mopping, and laundry to name a few.

One day, a few months ago, someone on Facebook posted a natural remedy for ridding your lawn of weeds using vinegar.

There are different recipes, so search the internet for one that pleases you.

Here are a couple of links if you’d like to research.

After years of spraying a chemical on my lawn, I decided it was time to go green there also. What could it hurt to give it a try?

So the recipe I used is as follows:
1 gal. white distilled vinegar (Mine was 5% acidic)
2 cups salt (Not iodized)
¼ cup dishwashing liquid. (I used Dawn)

Okay, I made a trip to a store and purchased a 2 gallon plastic sprayer and each ingredient.

The lawn should be warm and dry enough to use the concoction. In a clean pail, I mixed the salt into the vinegar until it completely dissolved, poured the mixture into the sprayer, then added the dishwashing liquid. Dishwashing liquid does absolutely nothing except help the solution adhere to the plants. So give your lawn a wash. Ha, ha.


The solution may kill grass and plants you don’t want to get rid of. It is also said…wherever you spray…don’t expect to plant anything anytime soon. Nothing much will grow for maybe up to two or more years. So do be selective as to where the spray lands! Let’s hope the wind isn’t blowing.

The solution wasn’t 100% effective in spots, as yet, but…it did work on 98% of sprayed areas. I’m hoping to see more of a difference for round two spray. If not I’ll either locate a 18% acidity, or find another answer to my problem.

Let me know if you try this concoction. I’d be interested if it worked for you!

On another Exciting Note, Authors of Main Street are releasing a new Spring boxed set sometime in June, 2018. Seven all new and delightful stories are sure to entertain you in Summer Romance on Main Street Vol 1. Our cover is simply gorgeous! We should have a cover reveal soon.

Please check back with us soon for the official release date.

Until next timeI wish you Love, Butterflies and Music.

8 thoughts on “Weeds Are My Worst Lawn Nightmare

  1. I’m glad you enjoy yard play, Carol. I don’t, but your concoction reminded me of one we used when our son was young. We used to use a mixture of liquid soap, mouthwash, beer, and water on the lawn, bushes, and trees. I have no idea if it actually did anything, but I felt better about applying it. Have a wonderful summer.

    Liked by 2 people

    • There are several different solutions you can find on the net. Google it. Round-up has been my go-to weed killer for years, and I would imagine yours too. It works, but at what cost? Good luck finding your favorite!


  2. Winter, here in New Zealand, and our lawn tractor is going in for its annual service while the cold inhibits grass growth. With nearly two acres to mow, we’re not that particular about the dock, dandelion and buttercups. Indeed, we tell people our seed mix is CDW. Cut-down-weeds.


  3. We only have an acre, but that’s big enough to have to cut! Thank goodness for riding mowers. CDW mix. Isn’t that the truth? Grass seed isn’t all grass. Stay warm.


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