
Fall is in the air! Cool crisp breezes rustle through the trees and across the deck as I enjoy a steaming cup of coffee. I’m without doubt ready for the cool-down. I know all of you are, too.

In the middle of finishing CHRISTMAS IN THE COUNTRY, I thought I’d add a bit of the story today.

I hope you enjoy Kami and Cal’s adventure.


Chapter 1

“What are you doing out here in the middle of a snowstorm anyway?” Cal Nelson closed Kami Waters’ car trunk, then pulled the heavy suitcase’s lever up to wheel it into the house.

“Not that it should matter to you, but I was headed to my sister’s cabin outside of Cedar, for an extended rest. According to my GPS…it’s around twenty miles from here.”

He halted at the steps leading up to the wrap-a-round porch. “Did you not listen to the weather report before venturing into the mountains?”

Kami rolled her eyes, while spitting snowflakes whooshed around them, then stared him down. “Haven’t you ever done anything on the spur of the moment?”

“Okay. I admit to times I’ve taken the short means around several trips. But I at least checked the forecast beforehand.”

“I guess I’m not as capable as you,” she said, then kicked at a half frozen patch of snow on the porch.

“Oh, come on. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I apologize.”

“Fine. You’re forgiven.”

Cal pushed open the door and invited Kami in out of the cold. “Welcome to my home.”

“You’re a kind man. Thank you.” A rush of warmth escaped from the room. Kami glanced around and eyeballed a roaring fireplace in the middle of a large, expertly decorated living space.

“You’re welcome. Do you know how lucky you are to have run out of gas here? Here in front of the Inn?”

“Undeniably a stroke of luck. Or perhaps my guardian angel rode with me,” she said, then held the door for him and stood aside. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to warm by the fire a bit.”

“Not at all. I’ll throw on another log, then make some Hot Chocolate.”

“I haven’t had Hot Chocolate in a long time. Sounds great.”

“I’ll be right back,” he said. “Make yourself at home.”

Several comfy sofas and chairs skillfully placed around a crackling fireplace, presented a warm and inviting room. Soft Christmas carols played in the background. A scent of sweetness wafted from the kitchen into the living room. Kami wrapped her arms around her chest and reminisced as a faint hint of cinnamon filled the air. The scent was etched in her mind as she envisioned her mom’s kitchen and a platter of cookies on the island. She missed her mom.

After a few minutes Cal pushed open the kitchen’s door carrying a large tray. “Would you mind moving those magazines?” he asked.

“Sure,” she answered.

On the tray was a beautiful rose painted china tea pot and three china cups. Beside them were serving plates and a covered serving tray.


“Yes, Dana?”

“You forgot the silverware.”

“Bring them in, please.” Cal laughed and winked at Kami

“Kami, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Dana. Dana this is Ms. Kami Waters.”

“Pleased to meet you ma’am.” Dana picked up the serving tray and offered it to Kami. “Would you care to try one of these muffins? Daddy helped me make them.”

Kami accepted one, peeled back the paper wrap and bit into a forkful of the soft sweetness. “They’re amazing! You’re a wonderful baker, young lady.”

Dana hung her head, then glanced at Kami as her lips trembled through a gentle smile. “My mom used to let me bake with her every so often.”

Used to? Kami glanced at Cal.

He shook his head and reached for Dana. “You did wonderful honey, and you also did most of the work. They taste so much like Mom’s muffins.”

“Thanks, Daddy,” she said, then hugged him.

After they finished eating, Dana began to gather the dishes.

“Leave those, hon. I’ll take care of them. Would you check out room four and make sure it’s presentable? We’re full except rooms four and six.”

“How many rooms do you have?” Kami asked.

“The Inn has fourteen available rooms, plus we have our living quarters on the East wing,” Cal remarked.

“Sure. Then Ms. Waters is staying over?”

“Until the storm is over.” Cal ruffled Dana’s blond curls. “We can’t leave her out in the cold, now can we?”

“Of course not, Daddy. It isn’t Christian not to help out,” Dana responded.

Kami reached for her suitcase, but Cal grasped it with a firm grip. “I’ll bring it up in a few minutes after you inspect the rooms.”

“It’s a bit early, but I’ll say goodnight, then. Today has been rather trying. Dana can let you know which room she chooses.”

“Breakfast is between six and eight. Don’t be late.” Cal grinned. “I’m kidding. If you sleep in, I’ll keep a plate warm for you. Come hungry. You won’t be sorry.”

Kami leaned down and whispered to Dana. “What do you think? Is it worth getting up early for breakfast? I normally have a smoothie or a diet chocolate shake.”

“Oh. Just wait. The food is incredible. Even I like most of the dishes.” Dana giggled and gave Kami a thumbs up, then bounced upstairs.

Until next time, I wish you music, butterflies…and most of all…I wish you love.

September is the new January

I saw this on a news program this morning. The idea is that people are getting through summer, kids go back to school, and you see the last quarter of the year happening. So you decide to make changes in your life just like for the New Year.

As a writer, I do find myself doing that too. I see what projects are in their final stages and maybe I can finish them before the end of the year. I check which projects I had hoped to finish and see if that is doable.

For the finish of the year, I’m hoping to finish ghost paranormal romance #3 and get going on #4 for that series. If I don’t finish the shapeshifter romance for this year, hopefully it will be the beginning of next year. The Christmas story is done and just needs a cover. The horror story I’m hoping to put up on Kindle Vella is moving along and MAY be up before the end of the year.

What are your plans for the rest of 2021?

Jill James, author of the Ghost Releasers, Inc. series of paranormal ghost romances