It’s Name That Deputy Time!

Do you love contests? Yes? So do I. Last month I held a contest to name the deputy in my upcoming book, A Smoky Mountain Christmas Wedding.

The response was tremendous! Selecting the right name for the deputy proved fun but challenging, since there were so many excellent names to choose from.

The winner of deputy sheriff’s name is Dorothy Therese Jorden for her name – Carter.

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The name Carter is from Old English origin, and its meaning is – one who transports goods. People aren’t goods, but since Carter transports offenders, I considered how well the name fit the story. He’s an unmarried, quiet young man, and as honest as the day is long. When things get busy around the jail, he gets a bit rattled. Think Barney Fyfe personality.

Dorothy Therese Jorden, I will contact you for your gift.

Thanks to everyone for playing along. I appreciate your time and effort!

Here’s a short excerpt from on A Smoky Mountain Christmas Wedding.

Chapter 10

“You don’t trust me.” Hank grimaced. “Okay. It means…look, Tina. I love you. Only you.”

“I realize that, Hank. But we need to clear up issues floating inside my head. Help me out here, okay?”

“I’d rather not discuss Lisa, but since you’ve brought up the subject I see no way around it. It’s necessary.” Hank pulled into the well-lit parking lot at a favorite restaurant on Piedmont Avenue in Atlanta. He switched off the motor, then twisted around to face her. “Okay. Shoot. Let me have it with both barrels. I want this thing out in the open and over with.”

“Two questions.” Tina’s stomach flipped as she turned and faced Hank. An answer is what you wanted, right? “The look that passed between you two, when Lisa entered the room today was obvious. I’m curious how you feel about her, and what part she may play, if any, in our future.”

Hank drew in a deep breath. “Lisa and I were kind of thrown together while we worked on our college newspaper…long before I married. She became confused and too serious. Later, I learned she had labeled it a relationship, I called it socializing with the rest of the group. I had no idea she daydreamed we were a couple.”

“How could she not know?”

Hank turned the key and rolled down the window. “Our group was a close one. We were like family. Since Lisa was dating Greg, and I rarely saw her outside the group, I never gave her a second thought. Everyone else was aware I hadn’t the same idea about our being together, in, or outside the group. Recognizing her intentions were more than friendship, it took me a while to come to grips with the realization.”

“What did you do?” Tina asked.

“Once I realized her intent, I stopped any get-togethers with her, which were nothing more than coffee or a late dinner after class, when Greg couldn’t attend. But, there wasn’t anything to break off, except in her mind. Lisa never meant more to me than a class friend. Especially since I was aware that Greg was crazy about her. Greg and I attended grade school to college together. He knows me better than anyone else and was aware of how I felt about Lisa…as a friend. Only a friend. I never encouraged her…I wouldn’t do that to Greg even if I’d had feelings for her.”

“That must have been awkward for you. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

“How would you know? The look exchanged between us was nothing more than a memory. A bad one for me. Greg and I had a few words because he thought I’d treated her badly. I didn’t tell him anything, especially that Lisa continued to leave messages on my answering machine wanting to get together.”

“Did you happen to save the messages?” Tina asked.

“I’m afraid not. You know how it is. When you delete messages it’s usually with the push of the button, without thoughts of what’s recorded. Besides, there was no need to stir the pot.”

Beneath the parking lot’s bright lights and the chatter coming from several customers from the restaurant, Hank rolled up the window. “It was tough, but I finally got my point across.”

“She never bothered you again?”

“No. Thank God. She made me nervous. I’m happy she tired of chasing me, and became more interested in building a relationship with Greg.”

“Didn’t you feel an obligation to Greg? To let him know what was going on…how Lisa pursued you?”

“Yes, I did. More than once. I despised the deceit between us.”

“Then, why didn’t you?”

“Greg was so in love with Lisa, I hadn’t the heart to be the one to break them up. Anyway Lisa seemed to change, to make Greg her one priority. So, if Greg’s happy, I’m happy.”

“Sometimes that depends on how she really feels. I hope for you, and for Greg’s sake, Lisa has truly changed.” Tina had a gut feeling Lisa would cause problems in the future, but it wasn’t up to her to pursue the issue. She wasn’t one to borrow trouble.

Hank sat staring out the window. “I hope so. I really hope so. I hope I haven’t made a terrible mistake withholding Lisa’s conduct from Greg.”

“We’ll see,” Tina said. Evidently the dust had settled, and the likelihood Lisa would kick up trouble again was hopefully slim. Still, it could happen.

Hank leaned in and pressed a kiss on her forehead. “In the meantime, let’s anticipate the best.”

Have  a Safe and Happy Easter!

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