Getting In The Mood – Jill James

christmas bellsHow do you get in the mood to write a Christmas novella in the middle of August? In my case it takes apple cinnamon air freshener, Celtic Christmas on the Pandora radio, and lots of imagining snowy winter days in the middle of sweltering summer days. Thinking of comfy sweaters and cuddling on the couch while my sweaty legs are sticking to my leather office chair. Picturing dreamy Christmas trees and pine decorations with the scent of a barbecue grill wafting through the open window.

The Authors of Main Street are doing another boxed set and I’m writing an original, never published beforeĀ novella for the set. Mine is titled Waking Up For Christmas. It will be sweeter than my usual stories. It reminds me of when I first started writing romance and it was very much on the tamer side. I wanted a story that dug into ‘how’ and ‘why’ we fall in love. A kind of reminiscing of the joy and angst of falling.

What is that precise moment when a buzz goes off in your head and you realize you just might be falling, that this is ‘the one’? And what does it take to fall out of love. Is it one thing or a lifetime of things? Do you wake up one day and realize you aren’t in love anymore or do you wake up and face that you haven’t been in love for a while?

And the most important question of all; what would you do to get the love back?

What would you do for love?

Jill James, writer of romance, hopeless romantic

Spring has sprung!

spring treeAt least in Northern California where I live it has. The last two weeks have been blossoms galore and the allergies to go with them, and this week we’ve moved on to bright-green leaves on all the trees. It will be in the 80s this weekend. Sometimes I feel California doesn’t do Spring or Autumn. We do hot and dry, and cold and wet for our seasons. šŸ™‚

For those folks in the Midwest and back East, I am so sorry. It has been a tough year, but you are resilient people and you will dig out and spring will come again, just like it does every year. California’s tough time will come this summer when I fear our lawns will have to die and we will be rationing water like we did in the ’70s. I do not look forward to bricks in the toilet tank and timed showers. Those were not fun days.

The warmer weather and blooming everything has really enhanced my moods too. I feel like opening doors and windows, going for walks, and writing a new book.

What is your favorite season?

LoveintheTimeofZombies smallMy newest release, Love in the Time of Zombies is available in ebook and paperback!