Summertime Movies

I love movies almost as much as I love books and reading. Summer is a great time to see movies with your kids or without. 🙂 It is the time of the summer blockbuster film. I started my love affair with movies when I was a kid going to the movies with my dad who was a movie-holic. The first movie I remember seeing at the movie theatre as a kid was Diamonds are Forever/James Bond.

I was 10 years old when my parents divorced and my brother was five. My dad got us every other weekend and he had not a clue what to do with us. He had worked swing shift for all the years I could remember and we got to see more of him once the parents divorced than we had when they were married. His answer to the dilemma was all-you-can-eat buffets and movies. Unlike today, movies were usually the cheapest entertainment around.

dawn potaOne of my fondest summer memories was the movie marathons–at the movies, not on television. Today I’m going to see the newest Planet of the Apes movie and it has caused a wonderful flashback to seeing all five POTA movies at a theatre in Berkeley with my dad and brother one hot summer day in the ’70s. We sat and ate popcorn and hot dogs and watched the movies with my dad telling us all about the meaning behind the movies, how well or not well the costumes were made, and how they did special effects and sounds back then. I don’t remember all he told us, just how neat it was to spend all that time with dad doing what we all loved to do.

My dad even made it so I could watch horror movies and not scream like a girl. LOL We would watch Creature Features (local horror movie show) late at night and he would tell me all the secrets of how they made a movie scary when it really wasn’t. Tip: watch a scary movie without sound and see how not scary it is!!

Next to books, movies are my second favorite entertainment thing!

Jill James, contemporary and paranormal romance writer
Another great thing for summer! Our Weddings on Main Street boxed set is still 99¢