Appealing To the Muse

A good while back I began what was to be Book 2 of a romantic comedy.

The characters and story were fresh in my mind. I had great expectations at finishing the book in a matter of a couple of months. The storyline began like this.


Life took over-and every time I tried to write, the book turned to this.

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I struggled with too much on my mind and had left the book too long. The story became fuzzy and I was unable to connect.  A few months later I dug the manuscript from its file and read through what I’d written. I let it simmer, connected with the characters again and changed the outline. So, then I had this.


Things are looking up!

Now, I’m loving my characters again and appealing to my muse while I complete A Smoky Mountain Wedding in time for Christmas this year. I hope life is agreeable and the book comes to a close, because there’s Book 3 to jump into!

So watch out Muse! I won’t take no for an answer. 🙂

Name that deputy sheriff!  He’s a twenty-five-year-old, quiet young man and as honest as the day is long, from Gatlinburg, Tennessee. When things get too busy around the jail, he gets a bit rattled. Think Barney Fife.

If you have a catchy first name, and if I use your suggestion, I’ll be happy to send you a free digital copy of A Smoky Mountain Wedding when it’s completed.

So send in your first names for the deputy sheriff! Grab a chance for a free copy of A Smoky Mountain Wedding.

I can’t wait to read the names you come up with!

You can leave a comment here or email me at Please put “deputy sheriff contest” in the subject line.

The deadline for sending in your names for the deputy is March 19, 2016. I’ll announce the winner on my next post, which will be March 23, 2016. In case of a tie, I’ll have someone draw for the winner.

Please don’t forget to leave your name and email so I may reach you. Thank you!

Good luck and happy reading!

Links to my books, available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kobo, Apple and Smashwords, can be found here: