When Life Hands You Lemons…Juice Them!

I’m on a new health kick. Well, not really a kick, but a life change. I got sick of being sick, tired, brain-fogged, and fat, and decided to join in on the Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead revolution. Since it so totally described how I felt in the title, it seemed appropriate. I went to www.rebootwithjoe.com and started reading.

My youngest son is getting married in October and I didn’t want my pictures to look like the ones from my oldest son’s wedding. That was my first motivation. But beyond looks, I needed to get myself under control. I was drinking two liters of Dr Pepper or Mr. Pibb a day. Every day. Yeah, stupid, but I have a chronic sore throat/sore tongue thing that only soda seemed to relieve.

We ate fairly healthy, but our meals were way too meat heavy. I cut out most processed foods a long time ago because of gluten-intolerance, but the meat sat pretty heavy on my stomach and took forever to digest. I had acid reflux, bloating, tired skin, achy joints, high blood pressure, and an addiction to chocolate.

In other words, if I didn’t make a change in my eating and drinking habits, I was a disaster waiting to happen.

So we started juicing a little over two weeks ago. I read and studied up on which veggies help which conditions. With a list in hand, I hit the markets and grocery store. Where I normally spent $150 on groceries, I spent $100. I buy organic as much as possible. Hubby pitched in to help, and he’s been good about helping since we started. I think he wants me to succeed as much as I do.

healthy juice

The results so far? Down 12 pounds, pain significantly reduced, kicked the soda habit (well, I still want one. I’m just not giving in). I’m sleeping 7-8 hours a night instead of waking up after five because my hips hurt. I enjoy the juicing where I hated to cook. My mind is so much clearer, my muse is back to work, my concentration is better. I’m drinking fruits and vegetables that I wouldn’t even consider eating, getting my full RDA of both that I’ve never had when eating. I juice cucumbers, pineapple, celery, kale, mango, cabbage–things I don’t like–along with carrots, apples, strawberries, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, and ginger. Amazingly, it tastes great!

Even jury duty, my mom falling and needing 7 staples in her head, and taxes haven’t deterred me from my plan. Now when I go to the grocery store, I’m not tempted by chocolate, cookies, soda. Nothing is calling my name but fruits and veggies. This is huge for me.

My point with this post is if this soda-addicted, sugar-absorbed, steak-loving writer can learn new, healthier habits, anyone can. If you’re young, the time to change is now. Believe me, when you get to be my age, you’ll thank yourself for not waiting.

What about you? Anything you need to change in your life but need the motivation to get it done?

Oh, another upside…my new heroine is a food blogger who comes up with familiar, favorite recipes that are far healthier than the originals. I get to use my research to better myself as well. I found a recipe for a strawberry/banana smoothie that I adjusted to fit our lifestyle better, and it is awesome. Better than any strawberry shake from Sonic or Dairy Queen.

2 frozen bananas

1 package frozen strawberries

1 can coconut cream

4 oz probiotic vanilla yogurt

Add all to a blender and enjoy!

strawberry shake


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11 thoughts on “When Life Hands You Lemons…Juice Them!

  1. Tori, are you just putting everything into a normal blender or are you using some super blender? That strawberry drinks sounds delicious! I’m trying to eliminate my carbs and I’m mostly on salads. How often are you drinking these meals?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I use a Breville Juice Fountain Plus for juicing. If I add bananas or avocados, I add those in the blender with my juice. I generally drink about a quart of juice a day, divided into 2 or 3 servings. We use Mason jars and any leftover juice goes in the fridge for the next day.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Just for a little while, Sue. Yes, I can get all my nutrients. After the first month, we’ll start adding Spirulina or some other kind of plant protein powder into our juices. We will also take “breaks” when family comes to visit, though we’ll limit our choices to very lean meat and lots of veggies. Not in this to kill ourselves, just trying to get healthier and lose the weight.

    Our first break from fasting was for Easter. Took me two days to feel better after that. Meat sits pretty heavy on your stomach after only juicing.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Congratulations on your 12-pound weight loss. Good for you! Right now I’m getting back into an exercise routine, and it feels great. I’m not ready for the dietary program you’re following, but I’ve been adding more veggies to my meals and cutting down on meat. Trying to be more aware of what I’m putting into my mouth!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I learned a lot from: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It was fun routing for Joe and the others who joined this revolution. It sounds like a way a living instead of a diet, Tori. I’m trying to eat more fruit and vegetables too and those first few days are certainly challenging. I gave up meat almost 15 years ago, but I still ate seafood, pasta and plenty of cheese. All that cheese isn’t good—even when you’re from Wisconsin :). 12 pounds is huge. Congrats! So happy you’re feeling less pain.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. That’s great, Pepper! I have no idea what my blood sugar is, but I know I’ve lost a lot of my cravings and I’m no longer drinking a 2 liter Dr Pepper a day, so my kidneys probably really appreciate that. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Congratulations on losing 12 lbs.! That’s huge in two weeks. I’m totally impressed that Pepper’s blood sugar is normal. Now to try and talk hubby into juicing. I may have to go it alone and let him see how much of a difference juicing can make.

    Liked by 2 people

    • See if you can get him to watch the movie. That might inspire him to join you. There are several Facebook groups you can join for support, advice, and recipes, too. Just search Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead on Facebook.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks for your post, Tori. I had watched Joe also. Thought about doing this simply because hubby travels so much so I don’t cook much when he’s gone. Just a bother. It would be easy to juice instead, but I didn’t know which juicer to get. Glad you posted the kind you use. Congrats on losing weight and feeling healthier.


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