The Well Guarded Secrets of Success in Book Publishing

We often talk about success and we do so in BIG ways! But for those of us who have kicked around in this business, we know that success is actually quite small. Many a good book is ignored and will fall through the cracks before it’s even had a chance in the world. Plenty more need to fall through those cracks! But way too many people think that if they write this one book, it’s going to be so terrific that everyone will want to read it, and they will achieve overnight success, be chosen for Oprah’s book club, and they will make a few million dollars. And all the seasoned authors are either nodding their heads or are laughing, because we know better!

So what happens when someone who has no experience with publishing or indie publishing writes a book and turns it loose into the big ocean? Virtually nothing. Last month I received a note from someone with whom I am acquainted because she’s written notes to me several times over the last few years. We have a mutual friend. The gist of her email was a plea to help her make her book a super seller. She was looking for that insider information. I’m certain that she figured I was going to tell her the industry’s deepest well-guarded secrets to making a best seller. I had to answer her letter, except I didn’t want to write what needed to be written.  There are no super deep secrets to succeeding in this industry.

We all know toreading write a really great book, have it well edited, and obtain a super cover. But probably the only real secret to success is to have lots of friends! It really helps if you have lots of money to pay for advertisements. I think it was James Patterson who bought 25,000 copies of his first book before it was released, and another successful indie author hocked everything she and hubby had to raise $90,000 for advertisements. That book catapulted her into the limelight. So maybe there are some tricks to creating a best seller. Most of us, we plod along!

So if you plan to write a book or are writing one, here are a few words of advice.

  • Write an awesome book!
  • Don’t wait until it’s written to start promoting. Do it now! Create a web presence. Join Facebook or Twitter or some someplace and begin to make friends.
  • If people know you and like you, they will buy your book.
  • Find your target audience! When you figure out that one, please tell me how you did it! I’ve only stumbled into mine.
  • Take as many writing workshops as possible.
  • Take classes in grammar!
  • Join local writing groups and online ones.
  • Find groups on Yahoo that are targeted to your genre.
  • Create a newsletter or join a group where you can contribute to that newsletter. Have you joined the AoMS newsletter? HINT! Why do you think we do what we do?
  • Blog! Create your own and offer to guest blog to other bloggers in your genre.
  • Do whatever you can to create exposure for what you are writing.
  • Make certain you write that really compelling story.
  • Make certain it is well-edited by using professional editors!
  • Have a great cover!
  • Read others who have written in the same genre or subject.
  • Learn everything you can about the publishing industry.
  • Miracles don’t just happen – they are made!

Just remember tossing a book with no marketing behind it into the ocean filled with millions of books is not going to assure instant fame. It’s more apt to sink to the bottom of the heap and be chewed up by the bottom feeders. Resurrecting that book is almost impossible.

So success in this business is measured in little increments. It’s done by gaining one reader at a time. For some that might mean your book has had enough sales to buy the family hamburgers and fries at your favorite fast-food stop, and for others it might be paying for a child’s orthodontics.

Most authors are thrilled to know that you’ve left them a great review! In fact, the smallest things make us so happy! Of course we want to hit the NY Times Best Seller list and stay there for a year, but most of us are super delighted to know that you love what we write, so drop us an email or join our newsletter! We love our readers! Especially those who love us!

How much do we love our readers? Drop us a note here on Main Street. We’ve got that handy little contact page up top, see it? And we’ll add you to our advance release program. You get early parole. 😉  Just joking. What you will get are advance release copies of our books! That means you get to read them before anyone else and for free. We only ask that you write an honest review.

Okay, friends who have been in this industry, what can you think of that I have missed? As a reader, what do you look for in a great book? Leave it in the comments!

Once Upon a Wedding – Cover Reveal


Today, I have the pleasure of sharing with all of you, my beautiful cover for Once Upon a Wedding. This will be the first book, of four, in my One Day at a Wedding Series, releasing 12/12/14.

Pre-Order: Once  Upon a Wedding, at Amazon Today

It will be available at all outlets on 12.12.14!

Synopsis: Cassie Anderson, bridesmaid extraordinaire, is tired of attending her friend’s weddings either solo, or with her best friend, Thad. Finding a real date is simply too much work. Especially when she sees an old acquaintance from high school, Dan, at her friend Shelley’s wedding. After the spark shared between them, Dan has become the object of her affection. Too bad he has a nasty habit of having a date on his arm at every turn. Stealing another woman’s date is against the rules, but if she could just catch him alone…well, that would be fair game! Unfortunately, timing is everything, and she and Dan seem to have the worst. Always the bridesmaid, walking away with nothing more than a dreadful dress, Cassie is committed to changing her luck and getting her man!

Please be sure to keep an eye out on my Facebook page and Website for that Pre-Order information.


I am so looking forward to sharing this group of characters with you all, it should be a fun wedding season with the group, from my One Day at a Wedding Series!

A special thank you to the ladies here, on Main Street. Our June boxed set was the inspiration for my series and earned me a spot with Forever Red Publishing, who is now publishing my series. Being a member of this group is invaluable in many ways, they will all be added to my gratitude list, come this Thursday!

Wishing you well, in fiction and real life!
Kelly Rae


Once Upon a Wedding – COVER REVEAL!

Once Upon a Wedding

Wedding Novella Series – Book 1


Welcome to my COVER REVEAL DAY!

Once Upon a Wedding will be available June 9th, as part of the newest boxed set by The Authors of Main Street, titled:Weddings on Main Street.

You are cordially invited to attend more than eleven weddings this summer, as told by the lovely writers who brought you the Best-Selling Christmas Anthology, Christmas on Main Street. The reception to our boxed set was beyond our imagination and it seemed only natural to get together again, this summer.

Eleven writers, with distinct voices and brand new tales all surrounding wedding season. Is there anything more romantic than a wedding? Whether you are getting married, in the wedding party, or a guest it’s hard not to get caught up in the magic of the day.

Unless, you are a single, late 20’s gal, who is plain tired of weddings and everyone asking her when it’s her turn. In Cassie Anderson’s case, the magic of the day wears off pretty quick. Granted, it could also be the horrid dresses taking up valuable space in her closet, a closet that wouldn’t even fit her own wedding dress, if she could find a man. 🙂

As Cassie’s friends from high school and college get married and pair up for life, she has high hopes for it being her turn – one day. Even when she does meet someone whom she can’t seem to shake, she fears it will never happen. Every time she sees Dan Simmons, who has gotten very hunky since high school, the spark and sheer magnetic pull between them is palpable – but their timing is always off, way off!

Luckily, Cassie has a best friend, Thad Carlmont, who is her constant companion and date to all of these events, so at least she doesn’t have to go stag. Even if Thad spends most of his time, as her date, trying to score other lonely wedding goers, he makes a better date than her bouquets.

Each time she attends a wedding where Dan is also a guest she wonders, if maybe this time, the timing will be just right!

Check it out on June 9th, and see what happens between Cassie, Dan and the much too handsome Thad.

I am thrilled to be a part of the Authors of Main Street and I know our new readers, and those who already enjoy our work, are going to love this new anthology.  Cassie, Dan and Thad are jumping up and down waiting for their chance to meet you, this June 9th, and share the first book in their novella series.

All month-long, this blog is dedicated to cover reveals and sneak peeks, into the novellas that will make up, Weddings on Main Street. So, make sure to check back, ask questions, and get into the wedding spirit with us – all summer long.


Summer Release Schedule for my Wedding Novella Series:

June 9th, Once Upon a Wedding RELEASING in the Weddings on Main Street Anthology

July 15th, Every Other Wedding (2nd Book – Dan’s Story) RELEASING

Aug 15th, Title TBD (3rd Book – Thad’s Story) RELEASING

There may be more to come. I have ideas and characters speaking to me all the time, be sure to check back here or on my website ( make sure you don’t miss any news about the Anthology, or my Summer Wedding Series.

Also, you can find us all on Facebook, at, where we love to interact with readers/friends.

Or sign up for our newsletters, here on this blog, and you will be kept up to date on new releases from each author individually, and all anthology news, as well. Thanks for stopping by today!

All the best,

Kelly Rae



Being Thankful

Excited? Yes! I am.
Christmas on Main Street is considered a best seller on Amazon! I’m thankful.
I’m also thankful for the ladies who walk down Main Street beside me. We’re from different states and from different walks of life. We aren’t different in that our love of writing drives us every day to push the pen and harvest characters and their stories for our beloved readers.
In this season of Thanksgiving, there is more than enough in our lives to give thanks.
Thanksgiving Day is more than sharing a meal.

It’s when family and friends gather for time together and recall past times spent in the presence of loved ones. Loved ones who are still with us and those who have gone on. I’m thankful for the time and love we shared.
I’m thankful for my family, they keep me strong.
Years ago I wrote a poem on love. There are many ways to look at love, but I suppose the words in the poem sums up what love means to me.

Love Is

Love is a misty rain;
The caress of a gentle breeze.
Glistening snowflakes;
A mountain in spring.
A glorious sunset;
Or in a summer’s sky.
A baby’s touch;
A soft voice.
It is yielding;
It is the moment just before dawn.
It carries no force;
It issues no pressure.
Love is mellow;
Ageless and unselfish.
It is wisdom;
With kindness.
It is forgiving;
Of imperfections.
It is the calm;
In the midst of a storm.
It is the quiet;
Of a hushed moment.
Love does not scold;
Nor rebuke.
It is majestic;
Not for the faint of heart.
It is tender;
Soft as a baby’s skin.
Trusting, honest;
Consuming and strong;
Love is
~Carol DeVaney

What are you thankful for? Anything special?

A Smoky Mountain Wedding – Book Two, coming soon.
My books are available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kobo, Sony, Diesel, Apple and Smashwords.
You can find links on my website here.