The Sound Of Love

loveYou may have noticed a wedding theme here at Authors of Main Street. It might have something to do with 11 sweet and sexy stories in a novella set with a happily ever after called Weddings On Main Street, a current #1 Amazon Bestseller in Contemporary Short Stories.

20140606-073033-27033946.jpgOne fun thing about weddings is that they are as varied as the people involved. I knew a couple who used balloons instead of flowers while the bride skipped down the aisle–honest! And then there are those celebrity weddings with tigers or a priest sacrificing chickens (trust me, not making this up).

One component of weddings is the music. Ah, you think, everyone does the same thing when it comes to music–either the Wedding March or Pachelbels’ Canon in D.

But just like a bride might wear a black wedding dress or the guests blow bubbles at the happy couple, music is not left unscathed from individuality.

A friend of mine who attended a large church was getting married–along with several other couples. They cranked the ceremonies through on a near assembly line. The song du jour was the Melissa Manchester ditty from Ice Castles (hey, it was the 70s). Each and every couple requested that song be played as the bride walked down the aisle–except my friend who was a bit more traditional. But since she was the last wedding of the day and the pianist was suffering from muscle memory at the keyboard, guess what she got?

Another friend’s dad was getting married. The couple was what you call…well, they smoked, cussed, got drunk–alot, and drove around in a jacked up pick up truck–in their forties. When they got married they carried the theme to its completion and the bride danced her way down the aisle to these bearded musicians:

Are you in the wedding mood now?

What’s the weirdest music you’ve heard at a wedding?


8 thoughts on “The Sound Of Love

  1. I loved the book Ice Castles. Did you know that Melissa Manchester gained her fame by singing the McDonald commercial? She’s got one fabulous voice!

    Would you believe I have no idea what they played at my wedding? It was a Catholic Church and it was whatever they always played. 🙂


  2. Pingback: The Sound Of Love by Bella Street | Pepper Phillips

  3. Hi, Bella! I had bag pipers at both of my ceremonies and that really set the tone for me. At our first ceremony, we had a solo guitarist play for family and friends before the wedding as they arrived and were seated. One of the songs he played, that was old then, but I loved, was Jim Croce’s, Time in a Bottle. I still can’t hear that song without smiling. Wonderful post. Thanks.


  4. Bella, you always write the most entertaining posts. I was living in Japan for most of the seventies so I was not familiar with the Ice Castles song. However, I know ZZ Top’s Legs. Haven’t seen that video in a few decades. Must have made great processional music. *g* Most unique I’ve heard was cocktail music/smooth jazz and the wedding party shimmied down the aisle. That was something.


  5. That song always makes me cry. I love that movie. We had Color My Love, not sure by who, at our wedding. It was a little chapel in Lake Tahoe and they did everything, we just showed up with family, friends, and wedding dress.


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