Holidays, Holydays, Carnivals, Festivals, and Vacations

One of the highlights of our visit to Rotorua was meeting up with Lizzi Tremayne, She drove down from her rural paradise to see me and another author friend, Caroline Warfield. Here we are at Rotorua’s Buried Village, Lizzi, Carol, and Jude (from left to right).

This past fortnight, we have been on holiday, meeting relatives in Rotorua for our annual holiday together, taking friends from the United States on a tour of the North Island of our lovely country, and now entertaining relatives in our home.

Holidays are part of the pattern of our life, times we can relax with friends and family.

Other regular patterns are punctuated by the liturgical year of our Catholic faith. Ash Wednesday coincided with Valentine’s Day this year, which means we are currently in Lent. In two weeks, it will be Palm Sunday, to be followed by Holy Week and Easter. Ascension Thursday, Pentecost (which the English used to call Whitsunday), the beginning of Advent, Christmas, and around again to Lent. And lots of other feast days and commemorations along the way.

Some of these have also become secular celebrations, joining national commemorations like Anzac Day and Waitangi Day. And sports adds another whole layer of seasonal markers: duck-shooting season, the first day of rugby or cricket or athletics for the year.

Then there are the markers particular to our family: anniversaries of good things and sad. Weddings, births, deaths. The night my beloved and I first kissed. (August 3rd 49 years ago! Where did the time go?) The day we experienced our first snowfall after moving from the North Island to the South. Births of children and grandchildren. Deaths of loved ones. Milestone events, many of them at crossroads on my life’s journey.

In the past I write about, those living in the English countryside still measured their years by the changing seasons, with the liturgical year intertwined around the natural rhythms. The English term for holiday comes from the old English word for holy day. In medieval times, holy days meant only basic necessary work. Peasants worked long hours, of course, during spring planting and the harvest season, but they expected, and got, time off in the rest of the year. (Relatively speaking. No swanning off to the coast for a week; animals and people still had to be fed.)

Even better if the holy day was also a festival, for the term festival comes from the Latin word for joyous, and by the 14th century had already taken on the connotation of an abundant meal, a feast.

Feast days punctuated the year; major feasts like Easter, Christmas, the Epiphany, and the feast day of a local Saint; minor feasts for other saints. And all of them had their own special food: in England, Simnel Cake, Twelfth Night Cake, Tansy Pudding, Shrove Tuesday pancakes, and on and on.

Carnival is an interesting word. It comes from an old Italian word meaning ‘to remove meat’, and originally meant the day before Lent, a time of penance when no-one in the Catholic world ate meat. Or does it? Some scholars think it predates Christianity and has something to do with the worship of the goddess Carna, to whom worshippers sacrificed pork and beans. At first glance, their rationale seems to be based more on not wanting the origin to be Christian than on actual evidence, but there you go.

The last word on my list is vacation, which is what they call holidays in the United States. The term is a more recent one, and has Puritan roots. The Puritans didn’t think much of holidays. Six days a week you worked, and the seventh you prayed. However, school worked by different rules, if only because the children were needed at home to help with the harvest. The teacher and students vacated the classroom; in other words, they went on vacation.

I appear to be falling into the habit of including annual celebrations in my stories. Christmas, of course. A Family Christmas (in the Christmas Babies on Main Street anthology) is not my only Christmas story. But other celebrations, as well. Farewell to Kindness revolves around the week following Whitsunday; A Raging Madness reaches its climax at Easter; the one I have on preorder now, The Realm of Silence, takes place over midsummer. And the research is fascinating. In the early 19th century, many of the old traditions survived, at least in country areas and among the ordinary people. A few still survive into the modern day. What traditions do you and your family keep?

Summer Magic

2016-06-12 18.12.37-1Summer is a magical time in Wisconsin. There are festivals in Milwaukee, many at the lakefront, and plenty to enjoy outdoors.

2015-09-05 16.23.36

Not to mention the Scottish Highland Games and Celtic Festivals that dot the summer weekends with camaraderie and Highland joy.


Then there are the gardens…..

I tend to stress over work, over writing, over political platforms and whether those in need will be cared for, my children and their wellbeing…damn, there’s always something worth stressing about along with plenty that isn’t worth the worry.


When I stress, I garden. I love time in the garden. I love sipping coffee in the morning and tea at night (or single malt) among the blooms.

What helps you celebrate the season? How do you decompress and de-stress?

I’d love to hear from you – I’m always looking for ideas.



Hello, Fall

It’s not quite fall yet, but tomorrow night we’ll be getting fall weather in my part of Texas. It will be a welcome relief from the heat we’ve had the last few weeks.

I love fall, almost as much as I love spring. I love the crisp, cool mornings and evenings when I can turn off the air conditioner and open the windows and doors. I love the festivals and fairs, especially the State Fair of Texas. DSC_5694

I love the foods I can add to our menu, like chili, stew, and chicken soup.

chicken soup johhnycashchiliI love the new season of my favorite shows, the longer nights and shorter days, and being able to play outside with my dog without melting from the heat. I love wearing sweatshirts and sweaters, fuzzy socks, and extra blankets on the bed.

I write more during the fall and winter seasons, too. The shorter days gets me in the mood to write earlier in the evening, so I get more accomplished. In the summer I’m distracted by so many things that I get little writing done. And for some reason, my brain seems to work better in the cooler weather. Not a scientific observation, just a personal one.

When I write, the current season seems to be the one that works its way into my books. I’m working on one now, though, that’s set in the spring. I’m anxious to finish it so I can get to work on the next one, set in the Blue Ridge mountains in fall. I can almost see the glorious colors on the trees (we don’t get much of that in Texas), and I wish I could be there to enjoy them in person.

What is your favorite season, and why? Curious minds want to know.