Sneaking in an Extra Post – School

Today is the first day of school for many families. I heard the bus this morning and felt sorry for those children.  Not sure what is going on anymore as I don’t have anyone in school, but the little ones catch the bus extra early and I know they get home well after the high school kids come home. I suspect that has something to do with so many parents working.

Putting children on the bus for the first time is always difficult. We do everything we can to get them ready for that day. Then we fall apart. Our babies have grown up and become school children.  They are in someone else’s hands for hours. We cross our fingers and hope they make friends or find their friends. We cross our fingers and hope that they do well.

Truthfully, they do. Rare is the child who has a problem making the adjustment, and even they tend to settle down in a day or two. My oldest was so tiny and little, that I worried about her. I found out a few weeks later that all my fears were unfounded. Seems the tallest boy in her class decided to appoint himself as her protector.  The friendship those two shared continued even though our daughter wound up in a different school system. They had mutual friends. He wound up playing football for the New England Patriots.

When my second child went to school, I was drinking a cup of apple and bookstea and thinking what a relief! Little did I know there was no relief when it came to her. Her mind spun faster than most and it wasn’t a good thing when it came to school. I doubt she was there for two weeks when I got a phone call from the school.  I was told to stop teaching her at home.


No, the teacher wasn’t joking.

“Oh, by the way, in case you haven’t noticed, she can read and write. But I didn’t actually teach her, she just picked it up.”

About two weeks later, I got another phone call. Apparently, she wasn’t behaving.

“Uh-oh! What did she do?”

The teacher was talking about weather and my daughter wanted to know what caused thunder. Well, I never could explain that, and there was no internet back then to help me. The teacher told her it was the clouds bumping together. (Please do not give a child a stupid answer. If you don’t know, tell them you don’t know! Teachers cannot be expected to know all the secrets of the world.) From what I gathered, my darling little daughter stood, put her hands on her hips and said, “Don’t give me that line of sh*t. I know it has something to do with ions.”

Yes, I’m sure she said it, besides she admitted saying. It was my favorite curse word and still is. But I’m biting my cheeks to keep from telling the teacher what I think and at the same time to keep from laughing. I chewed my daughter out for cursing in school. Then I suggested she visit the library at school and talk to the librarian. Certainly he could find an answer for her. The teacher wouldn’t let her go because she wasn’t old enough. The library was for older students! What?!?

Thus started her school life and it didn’t improve. Every school book her older sister brought home…she read. She ran out of books to read for her age so we gave her science magazines and National Geographic magazines to read. By second grade, we were in a different school system. Again, she had problems. They ran an IQ test on her. It was outrageous. They sealed it. That was probably my mistake. Long story short, she only went to the tenth grade, took her GED, and got out. Eventually she settled down and went to college.

Then I put a granddaughter on the bus. Totally different personality, very introverted, and didn’t like being around a bunch of people.  We had tears almost every morning. She wouldn’t answer when called upon. It took her forever to adjust to school, and then we discovered she wasn’t reading very well. We paid to have her tutored by a teacher that she liked. Once she got the reading under her belt, everything kicked in academically, but she never really did well in school. She’s a gifted artist and photographer. She’s got her mother’s brains but down a different path.

I’ve also worked as a preschool teacher in what they call K-4 or Kindergarten for 4 year olds in a private school. Then I wound up as the assistant librarian in a public school.  So I’ve seen school from both sides and from the private and public sectors.

Schools are better equipped to handle students then they were when my girls went. They aren’t perfect, but 99% of the teachers do care and want the children to learn. We can’t shadow our children through school and there’s no way to wrap our children in a plastic bubble to protect them.  From the good and the bad, they will learn, and they will learn to get along with other students and teachers. Some things we cannot teach them at home. They learn by being there and those skills carry through life.

And if the child has problems, there are professionals called advocates. If your child needs one, make sure they get one! The job of the advocate is to make certain that a student is getting what that student needs. It doesn’t matter if the child needs extra help with certain subjects or an expanded learning program.

And never assume that a child with low grades isn’t intelligent! You know your child. Talk to your child, the school, your doctor or to the advocate. Is the child not reading or bored? Or maybe can’t keep focused for more than a few minutes. Or maybe a combination of several things.

A friend’s daughter was diagnosed as being ADHD. Mom didn’t want the child put on the meds. All those horror stories…! Finally as the child entered seventh grade, mom gave up. The child had barely passed. It took three tries and when she had the right med for her, she looked at her mom and asked why didn’t you do this years ago? I feel wonderful. She also graduated from high school with honors and from college with honors. This was the child that wouldn’t take naps. This was the little girl who would run through the house screaming her head off for no reason at the age of two!

Also never assume your child won’t do something that they shouldn’t. I promise they will do it! As far as I know my daughter never cursed again in school – at least not to a teacher. (Although she did come home ranting to me about stuff that happened.) There’s nothing harder for a teacher than having to pick up the phone and say that your child did… So before you say my child wouldn’t do that. Think twice!

My youngest hated every minute of school and my oldest loved it. Two girls raised the same way in a happy household yet they had different personalities and totally different perspectives on school. One granddaughter did well all the way through school and the other struggled.

As a parent, your job is to be there for your child. Listen to the file7791271797864child, attend teacher conferences, and pay attention to your child and his or her surroundings. If things go wrong, talk about it. Give them time to do homework and don’t expect them to go off to a room alone and do it. Take your book and read while they work. Check what they’ve done. If they are struggling with math and you can’t help them, check with a neighborhood teen who might be able to explain it. Yes, they are getting geometry and algebra in elementary school. They are not being taught cursive. Nor must the memorize the times tables.  They are getting keyboarding and are being taught to use a calculator. Things have changed.

It’s a lot like potty training. And if you’re struggling with that, it’s okay. Just stay at it and remind yourself that he or she will be potty trained before they get married.

16 thoughts on “Sneaking in an Extra Post – School

    • If my second child had been like her older sister, life would have been a breeze! Yet, she was never really “bad”. She just marched to a different drummer.


  1. Thank you, E. for reminding us that all kids are not the same and shouldn’t be treated the same. My granddaughters just moved to a new state and a new school. The youngest whom I call Sharp Tongue (she laughs about it) made friends from day one. The oldest finds that school is “Okay I guess”. No friends. They started school two weeks ago in FL. She sits by herself for launch and recess. She explained to me that she’s “the new girl, and all other kids already have friends so they don’t talk to me.” She’s brilliant academically and in gym, and she’s such a sweet girl. Mommy already talked to the teacher telling her “to do something.” Since Mommy is so busy at work, we are going to attend the first meeting tomorrow. You can be sure I will talk to her teacher and insist she make sure my sweet girl becomes part of a group.


    • That’s always tough on the quiet ones when they change school. Talk to your granddaughter and tell her to make certain she smiles and says hi to everyone! Sometimes they need to be reminded to reach out and make friends.


  2. Tomorrow is the start of 7th grade in my house, I cannot believe how time keeps flying by, as I watch him grow. My son always says he has no friends and then I get to the school and 25 people say hi to him between the parking lot and the classrooms. He is a likable guy. I remember junior high/middle school being the worst two years of all my schooling – just because everyone is changing and it’s awkward, no matter who you are. My son seems to be handling it far better than I remember doing at his age. Good luck to all the kids who have already started and those that start this week!


    • There are friends and there are close friends! Many kids are friendly without ever having close friends. Assure him that it’s okay. Tough age on boys. Some are shooting up and some haven’t showed any signs of changing. They often remind me of puppies with large hands and feet, all legs, and they haven’t figured out how to get everything working together. They no longer fit with the little ones and they don’t quite fit into the new adulthood. But kids are people who are packaged smaller. I love that age group. They are already aware of the world and come with important opinions on everything!.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s a great time, but I have loved every age along the way. He has been a dream to raise and I have no doubt that will continue – he is just a good person! I can take credit for some of that, but most of it is just his nature. 🙂


  3. Love this! When I entered kindergarten (in the stone ages according to grandson) you had to have a principal interview. I pulled myself up into the seat (little for my age. started kindergarten in 2T clothes), crossed my ankles, and put my hands folded in my lap. The man talked for 30 minutes and I said not a word. He gets up and goes to the door and tells my parents I’m not ready to start school because I can’t talk. My mother is frazzled and comes over to me, and says “Why didn’t you talk to the principal?” I replied, “Because I was informed that I was not to talk to strangers. You didn’t introduce Mr. Smith so he is a stranger.” I started school the next day.


    • Oh, that’s funny! Children do take us at our word.I think you and my husband had similar qualities. Oh could I tell the stories where he took the grown-ups words as total law. (Then he grew up and didn’t believe anyone! 🙂 )

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The first day of school, I left after lunch and walked home. I wasn’t five yet. I think we lived in Boston because I remember the houses. Apparently they called my mother and informed her that I was missing and she came home. She asked me why I left, my response, “You told me they would teach me to read and all we did was color so I came home.” She promised that they would teach me to read and I went back to school. Thinking back, I can’t imagine how I even knew the way home. Mother always worked, but I had a house key around my neck.


    • That is way too funny! And as Jill said, children take adults at their word. I’m so glad you learned to read and write! And really write:-)


  5. In our neighborhood all the parents convene at the bus stop the first day of school over coffee. Now that my youngest child is in High School, there aren’t so many parents meeting any longer, but we’re still there seeing him off ~ the most surprising thing is he still doesn’t mind. 🙂


  6. Got to get up early around here. I think I heard the HS bus a few minutes after six. I’ve always tried to stay active in the school where my children attended so I know probably all the kids on their bus.


  7. My twins are starting SK (senior kindergarten) tomorrow. They are in separate classes. I think they will be ok, but one of them had some behaviour issues last year, so fingers crossed. The older one started grade 4 yesterday.


    • Relax. They will be just fine! They separate twins on purpose. Not sure why – maybe to make it easier on the teachers? 🙂 It’s supposed to be better for the twins.

      Crossing my fingers for your crew and for their mommy! Give those twins a kiss and tell them it’s a good luck kiss from me.



  8. When our youngest started school, it was a “walk to” elementary a few blocks away. We had purposely bought a house in this community just 2 months before because I wanted her to have the same school experience we’d had–walking or riding her bike to school back when life seemed safer. But I became so worried by the idea of her walking to school — curse my writer’s imagination — that I followed her every day for a week, sneaking around so she wouldn’t see me. When I saw that she was always with other kids, I relaxed. On the last day I stealthily followed her, as I stopped to turn around, she turned and waved at me. Some covert operative I’d make when a five-year-old can spot me!


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