Hurricane Season

In Florida, we are facing our yearly hurricane season. The weather channel forecasts worrisome news about hurricanes and tropical storms, and warns residents to be prepared.

For the last month, we had typical summer weather–hot, sunny or hazy in the morning. Sometimes we were lucky to enjoy a slight breeze. Around noon the wind picked up, the clouds threatened and the surf heightened. Before we knew it, we were drenched with pouring rain while lightning and thunder competed in the darkened sky.

From my desk, I could see the change in weather– squalls of heavy rain pelleting the window while my office turned dark. It was time to switch on the light and switch off the computer.

After facing this warning on a daily base, one can’t help worrying about nasty weather, especially when we remember the mess caused by Hurricane Wilma in 2005. It’s difficult to decide how to prepare and behave when the forecast predicts a hurricane. To panic and evacuate as we did during our first summer in Fort Lauderdale? Or stay and weather the storm hoping it would bypass us?

Writers from my local chapter are exchanging advice on how to protect their precious files. Some use an online ‘storage’. Others send a disk/flash drive with their current work in process to out-of-state family members or friends. Many email themselves with their own files as attachment.

My husband has networked my computer, his laptop and an external back-up hard disc, a small box that is easy to carry if we have to evacuate. Still, I prefer to save my own files on a flash drive every night.

While we hope that Mother Nature will spare us this year and Wilma will remain a memory, how do you protect your work during hurricane season in the South, tornadoes in the Midwest (years ago, I faced a memorable tornado,  in Cincinnati) or blizzard and disaster time if you live in the North?

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Mona Risk published more than twenty books, some translated in German and French.
She received an Outstanding Achiever Award at Affaire de Coeur Magazine and is a
Best Romance Novel winner at Preditors & Editors Readers Poll;
Two-Time winner of Best Contemporary Romance Novel at Readers Favorite;
EPIC’s Ebook Award Finalist; and a Kindle Top 100 Bestselling Author

ON CHRISTMAS EVE is Book 6 of Holiday Babies Series, and my contribution to a coming Christmas anthology titled:

SWEET CHRISTMAS KISSES 3 on pre-order now:

iTune /Apple
Kobo Books

The two previous boxes SWEET CHRISTMAS KISSES 1 and SWEET CHRISTMAS KISSES 2 reached the USA Today bestselling lists several times.


Blue Background With Snowflake



Tiffany broke their engagement five years ago when she thought Matthew cheated on her. But fate keeps throwing him in her path. His tender gaze erases years of loneliness and her heart squeezes with longing. Until she notices the two little girls in his arms. His daughters? Where is their mother?
Can Tiffany and Matthew forgive each other, live in the present, and create a new future?

It’s November in August

Yesterday, I got a fan letter about my Calendar Girls series. As trite as it sounds, I love hearing from my readers, and I do answer every fan who writes to me, whether it’s via email, Facebook or Twitter. I’m always thrilled when a reader takes the time to let me know they enjoyed my work. I delight in learning they stayed up ’til two in the morning reading. After all, it’s only fair. I had lots of long nights writing those words.

This particular reader had devoured all four of the stories available in the series in the last month and was anxiously waiting for the next installment. I hesitate to tell her, I’ve only written the first chapter of that book. I mean, the most recent book, HOMECOMING IN NOVEMBER, was only released on July 28.

If you haven’t checked out my Calendar Girls, now might be a good time. Each book features two different women from the same Long Island seaside town, Snug Harbor, at a different crossroads in their lives. In HOMECOMING, you’ll meet Terri O’Mara, a recovering alcoholic, and Dr. Jayne Herrera , the new veterinarian in town who’s struggling to get over her own sordid past.

Continue after the cover to read an excerpt:

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“What I want is for you to relax and spend some time with me.”

“Why?” Yes, my mouth often ran faster than my brain, thanks for asking.

To his credit, Max just laughed. How about that? I made Max Trayham laugh.

“Do you know why I sat next to you at the meeting?”

This time, I sipped my juice before answering. “Now that you mention it, umm, no. Why did you?”

“Because, right now, I need a friend. And out of everyone in that room, you looked like the one person I could trust.”

“I did?”

“Yes. And I sensed you could use a friend, too. You had this air of desperation about you that called to me.”

“Gee. Thanks.”

“I don’t mean that the way it sounded. We’re all freakin’ desperate at those meetings. I saw you race inside, and I felt this need around you, like you were hoping something or someone could fix whatever sent you there. And I realized I was in the exact same situation. Then I thought, ‘what if she and I could fix each other?’ I’m new to the program, new to this town, but I wonder if you and I might become ‘sober buddies.’ Not a sponsor relationship. I’m too much of a rebel when it comes to authority figures. We would be two people, two equals, who help each other stay straight. No judgment, just support, encouragement, and a sympathetic ear. You know what I mean?”

Throughout his speech, I gaped at him, sure this was some colossal joke my friends were playing on me. This wasn’t the real Max Trayham, but a celebrity lookalike. Any minute now, Siobhan and Pan would jump out of the kitchen and shout, “Gotcha!” But no one did. And he really did look like the real Max Trayham, a Max Trayham waiting for my answer.

“I think so. But here’s the thing.” There went my mouth again, leapfrogging over my brain. I drained the last of my juice to buy time for my gray matter to catch up, but when it did, it agreed with my mouth. I owed Max the truth. No matter how crushing the fallout would be. “I’m only forty-nine days sober myself.”

I expected him to realize he’d misjudged me. And when he leaned forward, I prepared for his speech about how he suddenly had an appointment he’d forgotten about. I even had my no-big-deal face ready to slip on. But, instead, he reached for his glass and sat back to sip, completely at ease. “That’s perfect, actually. You and I can find our way together. We’ll keep each other honest and on the straight and narrow. What do you think?”

What did I think? That he was either insane, or I was. My mind couldn’t get past the idea this television star wanted to be “sober buddies” with me: boring, small-town, ne’er-do-well Terri O’Mara.

“Don’t you have close friends or family you’d rather spend time with?” Curse my wicked mouth and empty juice glass.

“Honestly?” He offered me a wry grin, the one his television character wore whenever he was about to outwit a business rival. “That’s part of my problem. All my friends are what dragged me down. I need to find new friends—people outside the spotlight who can help me stay sober. People like you, who are also struggling and understand what I’m going through. People with their priorities in order. People who aren’t caught up in the Hollywood game. People who are down-to-earth, grounded, and fighting some of the same demons I’m facing—without the glitter. People who won’t sell me out to the tabloids for a quick buck. What do you say? You feel like doing me a solid?”

“So…we’d…like…call each other and stuff?”

“Absolutely. Any time. You get that itch in the back of your throat—you know the one I’m talking about—at three in the morning and don’t think you can fight it off, you call me. And I’d be able to call you in the reverse situation.”

“You’re going to call me. And I can call you.” I knew I sounded like an echo chamber or some robot on repeat, but I couldn’t fathom how I’d managed to get a television star to want to be my new buddy. Believe it or not, this kinda stuff didn’t happen to me on a regular basis. Still, there was only one answer I could give him. “Deal!”

HOMECOMING IN NOVEMBER is available now from Amazon.


Real Life Versus Writing Life by Joan Reeves #AoMS

Blog_Beautiful-woman-with-thoughtfu-29888243_BSPI’m late publishing this post today because I came up empty in the find an entertaining subject category. I just can’t think of anything except how down in the dumps I feel. You see I’m tired and real life is hell-bent on interfering with my writing life.

Do you ever feel that when you set goals, the universe throws all the storms of life at you to keep you from achieving them?

That’s how I feel. I had all these ambitious plans for finishing out my various series this year plus writing some special Christmas projects.

Real Life laughed and said, “Think again.”

Even though my time is being used for a good cause, and my time away from writing won’t be forever, it’s still a let-down to watch the days slip away with nothing done.

All week I’ve been frustrated by not following through on my goals–even though it’s not my fault. Rather than bemoan my lack of sleep and lack of time, I decided to remind myself of something I wrote in an email to a couple of friends who were aspiring authors whose energy was flagging on the long journey to publication.

This is good advice regardless of what you’re trying to achieve.

Image of businessman rolling a giant stone

Feel as if you’re pushing a boulder uphill?

Good Advice If Trying to Achieve Something Amazing

Nothing great was ever created quickly. To develop a great scientific discovery, to paint a masterpiece, to write a book, to become a minister or a college graduate–to do anything great or different requires time, patience, and perseverance.

Goals are achieved by degrees, little by little.

Michelangelo did not paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling in a day. Mozart did not compose his most famous work in a day, Milton did not write Paradise Lost at one sitting, nor did Shakespeare create Hamlet in a day.

Just as the most famous musicians begin with basic musical notes and artists first draw with Crayons, the greatest writer who ever lived began with the alphabet. With words. You too must start there.

Whatever your chosen goal, begin with baby steps that will lead you to giant steps.

To do anything great requires time, patience, and perseverance. Accept this and get started.

That’s my good advice for all of you, and for myself today.

AFB_2400px3200p_NYT99cents Sale

In my romantic comedy APRIL FOOL BRIDE, on sale for only 99cents, Maddie has a goal and is determined to achieve it.

Oil heiress Madeline Quinn needs a husband by the time she turns twenty-five in order to claim her full inheritance. Mad Maddie, as the tabloids christened her, has learned the hard way that men only see dollar signs when they look at her.

Maddie decides a marriage of convenience is the only answer. She turns to the one man in the world she can trust, her housekeeper’s son who always treated her like a little sister when they were kids growing up together.

Jake Becker hasn’t seen Maddie since the night she tried to seduce him. Why should he help the woman who changed the course of his life? Simple. Revenge.

Or is it something else? Something hot and smouldering that will not be denied?

FB_Fall in Love_04_1832px2200pPost Script

I’d be delighted if you’d follow me on 1 or all of these: Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Triple delighted if you sign up for WordPlay, my email list/newsletter for readers so I can give you a free book.

It’s Name That Deputy Time!

Do you love contests? Yes? So do I. Last month I held a contest to name the deputy in my upcoming book, A Smoky Mountain Christmas Wedding.

The response was tremendous! Selecting the right name for the deputy proved fun but challenging, since there were so many excellent names to choose from.

The winner of deputy sheriff’s name is Dorothy Therese Jorden for her name – Carter.

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The name Carter is from Old English origin, and its meaning is – one who transports goods. People aren’t goods, but since Carter transports offenders, I considered how well the name fit the story. He’s an unmarried, quiet young man, and as honest as the day is long. When things get busy around the jail, he gets a bit rattled. Think Barney Fyfe personality.

Dorothy Therese Jorden, I will contact you for your gift.

Thanks to everyone for playing along. I appreciate your time and effort!

Here’s a short excerpt from on A Smoky Mountain Christmas Wedding.

Chapter 10

“You don’t trust me.” Hank grimaced. “Okay. It means…look, Tina. I love you. Only you.”

“I realize that, Hank. But we need to clear up issues floating inside my head. Help me out here, okay?”

“I’d rather not discuss Lisa, but since you’ve brought up the subject I see no way around it. It’s necessary.” Hank pulled into the well-lit parking lot at a favorite restaurant on Piedmont Avenue in Atlanta. He switched off the motor, then twisted around to face her. “Okay. Shoot. Let me have it with both barrels. I want this thing out in the open and over with.”

“Two questions.” Tina’s stomach flipped as she turned and faced Hank. An answer is what you wanted, right? “The look that passed between you two, when Lisa entered the room today was obvious. I’m curious how you feel about her, and what part she may play, if any, in our future.”

Hank drew in a deep breath. “Lisa and I were kind of thrown together while we worked on our college newspaper…long before I married. She became confused and too serious. Later, I learned she had labeled it a relationship, I called it socializing with the rest of the group. I had no idea she daydreamed we were a couple.”

“How could she not know?”

Hank turned the key and rolled down the window. “Our group was a close one. We were like family. Since Lisa was dating Greg, and I rarely saw her outside the group, I never gave her a second thought. Everyone else was aware I hadn’t the same idea about our being together, in, or outside the group. Recognizing her intentions were more than friendship, it took me a while to come to grips with the realization.”

“What did you do?” Tina asked.

“Once I realized her intent, I stopped any get-togethers with her, which were nothing more than coffee or a late dinner after class, when Greg couldn’t attend. But, there wasn’t anything to break off, except in her mind. Lisa never meant more to me than a class friend. Especially since I was aware that Greg was crazy about her. Greg and I attended grade school to college together. He knows me better than anyone else and was aware of how I felt about Lisa…as a friend. Only a friend. I never encouraged her…I wouldn’t do that to Greg even if I’d had feelings for her.”

“That must have been awkward for you. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

“How would you know? The look exchanged between us was nothing more than a memory. A bad one for me. Greg and I had a few words because he thought I’d treated her badly. I didn’t tell him anything, especially that Lisa continued to leave messages on my answering machine wanting to get together.”

“Did you happen to save the messages?” Tina asked.

“I’m afraid not. You know how it is. When you delete messages it’s usually with the push of the button, without thoughts of what’s recorded. Besides, there was no need to stir the pot.”

Beneath the parking lot’s bright lights and the chatter coming from several customers from the restaurant, Hank rolled up the window. “It was tough, but I finally got my point across.”

“She never bothered you again?”

“No. Thank God. She made me nervous. I’m happy she tired of chasing me, and became more interested in building a relationship with Greg.”

“Didn’t you feel an obligation to Greg? To let him know what was going on…how Lisa pursued you?”

“Yes, I did. More than once. I despised the deceit between us.”

“Then, why didn’t you?”

“Greg was so in love with Lisa, I hadn’t the heart to be the one to break them up. Anyway Lisa seemed to change, to make Greg her one priority. So, if Greg’s happy, I’m happy.”

“Sometimes that depends on how she really feels. I hope for you, and for Greg’s sake, Lisa has truly changed.” Tina had a gut feeling Lisa would cause problems in the future, but it wasn’t up to her to pursue the issue. She wasn’t one to borrow trouble.

Hank sat staring out the window. “I hope so. I really hope so. I hope I haven’t made a terrible mistake withholding Lisa’s conduct from Greg.”

“We’ll see,” Tina said. Evidently the dust had settled, and the likelihood Lisa would kick up trouble again was hopefully slim. Still, it could happen.

Hank leaned in and pressed a kiss on her forehead. “In the meantime, let’s anticipate the best.”

Have  a Safe and Happy Easter!

Links to my books, available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kobo, Apple and Smashwords, can be found here:

Appealing To the Muse

A good while back I began what was to be Book 2 of a romantic comedy.

The characters and story were fresh in my mind. I had great expectations at finishing the book in a matter of a couple of months. The storyline began like this.


Life took over-and every time I tried to write, the book turned to this.

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I struggled with too much on my mind and had left the book too long. The story became fuzzy and I was unable to connect.  A few months later I dug the manuscript from its file and read through what I’d written. I let it simmer, connected with the characters again and changed the outline. So, then I had this.


Things are looking up!

Now, I’m loving my characters again and appealing to my muse while I complete A Smoky Mountain Wedding in time for Christmas this year. I hope life is agreeable and the book comes to a close, because there’s Book 3 to jump into!

So watch out Muse! I won’t take no for an answer. 🙂

Name that deputy sheriff!  He’s a twenty-five-year-old, quiet young man and as honest as the day is long, from Gatlinburg, Tennessee. When things get too busy around the jail, he gets a bit rattled. Think Barney Fife.

If you have a catchy first name, and if I use your suggestion, I’ll be happy to send you a free digital copy of A Smoky Mountain Wedding when it’s completed.

So send in your first names for the deputy sheriff! Grab a chance for a free copy of A Smoky Mountain Wedding.

I can’t wait to read the names you come up with!

You can leave a comment here or email me at Please put “deputy sheriff contest” in the subject line.

The deadline for sending in your names for the deputy is March 19, 2016. I’ll announce the winner on my next post, which will be March 23, 2016. In case of a tie, I’ll have someone draw for the winner.

Please don’t forget to leave your name and email so I may reach you. Thank you!

Good luck and happy reading!

Links to my books, available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kobo, Apple and Smashwords, can be found here:

Parents And Problems by Joan Reeves

Inspirational Typographic Quote - What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

I’m slow to get this post up today because I’ve been on the phone a long time counseling my oldest kid. He’s going through that difficult time: raising a teenager. He bemoaned how hard it was to deal with his teenager.

*ROTFL* I remember how he was when he was a teen. Oh, my! It really is true. What goes around, comes around.

Difficult Relationships

That made me think about all the parental-child relationships in my books. There are some where the heroine has a great relationship with her parents. That’s based on personal experience because that’s a reflection of our relationships with our kids.

Then there’s the heroine dealing with a difficult mother. Sadly, that too is based on personal experience. My mother was the poster child for difficult, but that didn’t mean I didn’t love her and do everything I could for her. That’s often the way it is with these relationships. You just do the best you can and learn from the experience.

RJA_2400px3200p_NYTRomeo and Judy Anne

I suppose when I was creating the mother in Romeo and Judy Anne, I was mirroring part of my own relationship. Some readers have posted reviews for this book saying Judy Anne was a wimp for putting up with her mother. I disagree. She was just doing what she could to support her mother until her mother “grew up” and could move on in life.

In the book I wrote, that was part of the resolution of the story. Judy Anne’s mother did manage to accept what had happened and become able to stand on her own rather than clinging to her daughter for everything. That’s one reason I love being a writer. I can make everything work out whereas in real life, it usually doesn’t.

Romeo and Judy Anne, a romantic comedy, has eccentric small town characters, a bratty niece, an overbearing school board president, and the temptation of a secret lover. Judy Anne has all she can do to keep her passion for her Romeo from turning into the biggest scandal little Clayton Bend, Texas, has ever seen.


The multi-generational aspect of the story brought a very realistic dimension to this romance, and I appreciated the challenges Judy Anne had in this arena of her life. Of course, it would be hard to resist the sexy, music-loving, full-of-surprises Roman/Romeo for long, wouldn’t it? Watching the two of them discover, define and work out their relationship was delightful from start to finish.~ Amazon Reader Review

Add Romeo and Judy Anne to Your Library: All Romance eBooks * Amazon Kindle * iBooks * Kobo * Nook * Smashwords.

By the way, you can buy the Kindle edition and get the audiobook from Audible at a greatly reduced price. (The audiobook is WhisperSynced with Amazon.)

Post Script

Joan Reeves is a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author of Contemporary Romance. Available as ebooks and audiobooks, her romance novels all have the same underlying theme: “It’s never too late to live happily ever after.” Joan lives her happily ever after with her hero, her husband, in the Lone Star State. Sign up for WordPlay, Joan’s email list/newsletter for readers and receive a free ebook.


What Did We Do Before YouTube? by Joan Reeves

Need a laugh today?

Need a laugh today?

Back in the old days, humans would sit in front of the TV and flip from channel to channel using the remote. Now, with a smart TV, humans–like me–can click on the TV’s YouTube app and be entertained for hours by amateur filmmakers.

That’s right, I’m a YouTube fan. If there’s nothing on regular TV that interests me, I know there’s always something on YouTube. I can choose from music, dance, movie clips, television clips, humor, commercials from around the world, and educational topics too that are great entertainment, not boring facts.

I love videos and have numerous playlists set up on my YouTube channel.  Here’s a random sampling of some of my favorites.

  1. Evolution of Dance by Judson Laipply. So imaginative which explains the more than 294 million views.
  2. I’m Farming and I Grow It by Peterson Farm Bros. Another humorous video with more than 9 million views.
  3.  Rita Hayworth Is Stayin’ Alive by et7waage1. Combines famous dance sequences with modern pop music. More than 5 million views.
  4. Tequila Ad by Eldon Coldiron. Humor. Unfortunately–and hilariously–too true. 591,ooo+ views.
  5. Heineken has created some of the most imaginative and entertaining videos accompanied by great music. This one is The Switch from 2012.
  6. Heineken Walk In Fridge. Hysterically funny. Over 14 million views.
  7. When Harry Met Sally Part 2 by Funny or Die. OMG! Hysterical.
  8. Tea Partay by iamigor. A classic. Over 6 million views.
  9. Jane Austen’s Fight Club by TwoTurntablesNMic. Another classic with more than 1.5 million views.
  10. Crazy Amount of Sugar Hiding in Random Foods by BuzzFeedVideo. Fascinating and scary. Over 3 million views.

SS_2400px3200p_NYTMaking videos are as much fun as watching them. I made this video for Scents and Sensuality, my romantic comedy currently on sale for only 99cents for the ebook edition.

A transformed ugly duckling…a matchmaking mom…a blind date gone awry.

Available here: Kindle * iBooks * Kobo * Nook * Smashwords. Audiobook edition available at Audible (not on sale but if you buy the ebook from Kindle you can get it at a reduced price.)

Thanks for letting me–and YouTube–entertain you this cold January day!

Welcome to my World


I’m Gina, one of the new members of Main Street so I thought I’d use my inaugural post to introduce myself (I know–not very original of me). Don’t scroll past just yet, though! I’m not going to waste your time with a bunch of boring factoids about my starry-eyed childhood, the day I met my Prince Charming, and the idyllic life we lead now.

In time, I think you’ll learn that is sooooo not me.

What is me? Coffee. My kids. My dog. Stupid things my husband says or does. Stupid thoughts that strike me while I’m daydreaming in the office. Tea. Fluffy pajamas on a cold, rainy day. Recipes that are yummy and easy to prepare. Cocktails. Sales at Home Goods. The occasional sunrise, the more occasional sunset. Those pesky fifteen pounds I’ll never lose. Chocolate. Cold feet. Moments of unique silliness.

I talk too much, laugh too loud, and don’t get enough sleep. I worry about dumb stuff, wonder why my life doesn’t go the way I planned, and hope tomorrow will be better. I’ve made mistakes, lost people along the way, and learned to forgive myself and others.

Sound familiar? Yeah, I’m probably a lot like you. I’m sure there are some differences, but that’s what makes life interesting, right?

Oh! And I also write books. Books like Duping Cupid, my winter romance about a woman with a unique dating service and the man she’s never realized is her one-and-only, until he starts dating someone else.

If you haven’t read any of my books before, this is a quick, fun place to start.

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Amazon │Nook │Kobo │iTunes

I’m excited to be a part of this dynamic group of authors, and I hope I’ll see you around Main Street!



Christmas in a Galaxy Far Away by Joan Reeves

Illustration of Santa claus and Christmas reindeer in ChristmasI bet you thought this was going to be a review of the new Star Wars movie. Nope. We aren’t seeing that until Christmas Day. (We have a date with our younger daughter and her husband–both are complete Star Wars fanatics.)

This is about another galaxy far, far away…a time when I was a child with my nose stuck in a book. I’d been that way a couple of years since I’d learned to read rather early in life. I was very young and was already a total geek and wanted only to read.

Amazing Gift

Then Christmas came, and I awoke to find a record player under the Christmas tree along with a half dozen 45s.

Yes, kids, jump in the Way Back Machine and head to the Dark Ages…before digital music, iPods, and CD’s. Before cassettes. Before 8-track cartridges.

Even though I was too young to know what was cool and what wasn’t, I still recognized that all those 45 records would appeal more to my parents’ generation than mine. With one exception. A little gem of a song by Alvin and his chipmunk buddies Simon and Theodore with some ineffectual blustering by an adult named David Seville according to the record label.

Wow. I loved that song from the minute the round black vinyl made its first few revolutions on the turntable. I literally wore that record out. Thinking back on the months that followed Christmas and realizing how many times I must have played The Chipmunk Song, I now see how extremely tolerant my parents, especially my mother, were. They never yelled, “Cut that damned thing off.” (I confess, I wasn’t as tolerant with some of my daughter’s alternative or rap or hip hop tunes.) Nor did they try to sneak it off the turntable and consign it to the trash.

The Chipmunk Song by Alvin and The Chipmunks was produced by Liberty Records and first appeared in 1958. It had already been around and popular by the time I received the record. The whole thing was created by Ross Bagdasarian aka David Seville. He was a pioneer with the multi-speed record player and became a millionaire by fiddling with those speeds. You may have heard of his first hit, a little ditty called Witch Doctor which sold over a million copies.

A million copies might sound like a huge hit, but it pales in comparison to The Chipmunk Song, actually titled Christmas, Don’t Be Late. He wanted to use a gimmick to represent animal voices, and his children suggested chipmunks. In the end, Bagdasarian did all four voices including the David Seville character. He named his chipmunks after Liberty Records executives. Si Waronker became Simon, the good chipmunk; Ted Keep was Theodore who was kind of silly, and Al Bennett was the memorable Alvin.

You can get a copy of the original Chipmunk Song as well as videos of the subsequent television show or books, but the song remains the best of the lot, in my humble opinion.

As I’ve been writing this, I’ve listened to a CD my daughter gave me a few Christmases ago. After receiving it, I promptly loaded it into my computer. The album is a Christmas mix she put together of some of my favorite Christmas songs. Track 1 was, of course, The Chipmunk Song by Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. It’s nice to know I raised my daughter to appreciate the finer things in life. *snicker*

Christmas Romance

I haven’t used The Chipmunk Song in a story yet, but I may. In the meantime, I have 2 Christmas romances for your consideration.

LuvU4Ever, a holiday short story romance, is free! (If Amazon and Nook still haven’t reduced it to FREE, get it from one of the other sellers listed.) Nobody’s Cinderella is reduced to only 99 cents.

LU4E_2500p_NYTLuvU4Ever (Free)

This Christmas, Noelle faces the biggest decision of her life.

LuvU4Ever. That’s what was engraved on the gold heart David gave her when he proposed. They’ve shared 10 years of joy in what she thought was a forever love.

I told you never to call me at home.

Can nine little words destroy her forever love? What will Noelle do? Will she walk away? Or dish out some payback? Or will she choose love?

Available at All Romance Ebooks * Amazon Kindle (Amazon has NOT price matched so it’s still showing 99 cents there.) * iBooks * Kobo * Nook (Nook has NOT price matched either so it’s still showing 99 cents.) * Smashwords and other ebook sellers.

NC_2400px3200p_framed_NYTNobody’s Cinderella (Reduced from $3.99 to 99 cents)

Darcy Benton is the oldest cliche in the world—a woman in love with her boss. Other than that, she’s no-nonsense, practical, mature, and sober. She’s just the kind of woman Chase Whitaker wants as head of accounting for his company. She’s definitely not the kind of woman he wants in his bed.

Enter Darcy’s meddling, matchmaking best friend who has a plan to transform Darcy into a hottie designed to attract Chase’s interest. All it takes? A couple of little lies…and a wish on a Christmas star. Darcy should have heeded that old advice: be careful what you wish for.

Available at All Romance Ebooks * Amazon Kindle * iBooks * Kobo * Nook * Smashwords and other ebook sellers.

Wishing yoXmas To Do List_webu all the happiest of Holidays and a glorious New Year!

Post Script

Joan Reeves is a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author of Contemporary Romance. Available as ebooks and audiobooks, her romance novels all have the same underlying theme: “It’s never too late to live happily ever after.” Joan lives her happily ever after with her hero, her husband, in the Lone Star State. Sign up for WordPlay, Joan’s email list/newsletter for readers and receive a free book.

Cherry Pie-Cake, Easiest Holiday Dessert Ever by Joan Reeves

Happy Thanksgiving CardLess than a week to Thanksgiving, and I’m in the holiday mood. I’ve been cleaning, sprucing up the guest room, and hanging the rest of the art that has been stacked in an upstairs closet for almost 2 years. With all that done, my thoughts turned to food. Yum, my favorite part of planning.

I have a dozen guests arriving next week so I started thinking about the menu—not just for Thanksgiving Day itself, but for the day before and the days after.

I like to have a dessert each evening, but I like something that doesn’t take a lot of preparation and work. I’d rather spend time with my visitors than stuck in the kitchen. So here’s my family’s favorite go-to dessert for one of the dinners before the big feast day.

Cherry Pie-Cake

This is a dump cake. I call it a pie-cake because it’s not quite a pie, but not quite a cake either. It’s just a delicious, super easy dessert. Your guests will love it. Serves 12-16.


  • 1 Duncan Hines Yellow cake mix
  • 1 20-ounce can of crushed pineapple in syrup (must be syrup)
  • 1 can Cherry Pie Filling
  • 1 cup chopped pecans
  • 1 stick of butter, cut in slices


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Grease a 13x9x2 sheet cake pan or a pretty casserole dish.
  • Dump the undrained crushed pineapple into the pan and spread evenly over the bottom.
  • Spoon the pie filling over the pineapple and spread it as evenly as possible.
  • Sprinkle the box of dry cake mix over the layers and spread it out evenly.
  • Sprinkle the pecans over the cake mix layer.
  • Place the pieces of butter around the top.
  • Bake for 48-53 minutes.
  • Serve warm or cooled.
  • Prepare to collect the compliments!

Jane (I'm Still Single) Jones by Joan ReevesNeed a Break from the Festivities?

Consider JANE (I’m Still Single) JONES, a romantic comedy all about family and friends. Reader Review: “These are two of the most delightful characters on the printed page.

“Jane thinks she’s worldly NYC but is very much the Louisiana belle—and Morgan…well what can you say, the perfect all grown up, hunky former nerd.

“Joan Reeves is at her very best with these two and the entire small town of delightful characters. It’s delightful, delicious, sexy and adorable.”

JANE (I’m Still Single) JONES is available in ebook at: All Romance Ebooks * Amazon Kindle * iBooks * Kobo * Nook * Smashwords. Also available in audiobook at Audible and iTunes.

I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and showers of blessings for which to give thanks each and every day.

Post Script

Joan Reeves is a NY Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance. She lives her “happily ever after” with her husband in the Lone Star State. Visit Joan at her Amazon Author PageSlingWords, her blog; and sign up for Wordplay, her email mailing list.